Six members of ViCOROB attend the Breaking the Surface summer school in Croatia

BtS (Breaking the Surface) is a summer workshop that encourages interaction and the exchange of knowledge and experience about the maritime robotics field and its applications. In 7 days, participants get first-hand knowledge about the latest in scientific research and results, technological achievements as well as hands-on experience in working…

Successful participation of our team in European Robotics League competition 2017

ERL Emergency 2017 occurred in Piombino on 15-23 September, is an European Robotics League competition or what researchers calls Champions League of Robotics, instigated by the catastrophic nuclear accidents that touched Fukushima, Japan, in 2011. The challenge collecting among 130 participants from 16 universities and companies, came from 8 European…

Summer time is here!!

Don’t miss this opportunity to relax and enjoy your free time. We will be closed from the 7th of August until the 1st of September. Have a nice holiday!   Aprofiteu per descansar i desconectar. Recordeu que marxem del 7 d’agost a l’1 de setembre. Bon estiu!!!!


The 60th MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference took place from the 19th to 22nd of June 2017 in Aberdeen, Scotland. Covering all aspects of ocean science, technology and engineering, the conference provides a nice venue for interaction among engineers, researchers, and marine scientists.   Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics team together participated in all…

Girona acull la quarta edició del Congrés de Robotica Submarina EMRA

Els passats dies 15 i 16 de Maig de 2017 va tenir lloc la conferència EMRA (4th Workshop on EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications) al Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona. L’objectiu de l’esdeveniment és la posta en comú dels resultats dels projectes europeus que han estat…

7th workshop on maritime automation

From May 4th-5th the seventh conference on maritime automation ”AUTOMAR” took place in Castelló de la Plana, where the conference was hosted by the university of Jaume I.   The conference with participants and speakers from Spain, France and Italy, was met by research process and scientific interest. During the…

Welcome to the EMRA 2017

Welcome to the 4th EU funded Marine Robotics and Applications Workshop (EMRA ’17)   We are pleased to invite you to attend the EMRA Workshop that will take place from 15-16 May 2017 in Girona at the Science and Technology Park at the University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain.   Following the…