L’equip de la Universitat de Girona guanya el Grand Challenge de la competició europea de robòtica euRathlon 2015

L’equip integrat per la Universitat de Girona (UdG) en la part marina, Cobham d’Ostfildern (Alemanya) en la terrestre i ISEP/INESC TEC Aerial Robotics de Porto (Portugal) en la aèria, van guanyar el Grand Challenge de la competició de robòtica europea euRathlon.   L’euRathlon és la primera competició de robòtica internacional…


IFAC NGCUV 2015 takes place in Girona

From 28-30th of April 2015, Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics team moved to Hotel Carlemany to organize IFAC NGCUV 2015 conference. The event took place in the nice city of Girona and counted on more than 90 attendees from 22 different countries.   NGCUV goal is to show the latest…



During the last days of January (28-30.1.2015) Girona was the venue of the project meeting as well as the first workshop of the ROBOCADEMY – “European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics”, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, project. Starting with the project meeting on the 28th, which was first of a kind for the…

Tali Hurtós defends her PhD thesis: “Forward-Looking Sonar Mosaicing for Underwater Environments”

Vehicle operations in underwater environments are frequently compromised by poor visibility conditions. The perception range of optical devices is heavily constrained in turbid waters, thus often complicating navigation and mapping tasks in environments such as harbors, bays, or rivers. A new generation of high-frequency forward-looking sonars that provide acoustic imagery...