TNA actions marine robotics executed under EUMarine Robots

During the last week researchers from VICOROB have collaborated with a team from Jacobs University within the EUMarineRobots (EUMR) project framework. The main objective of the EUMR project is to open up key national and regional marine robotics research infrastructures (RIs) to all European researchers, from both academia and industry,…

L’equip de la Universitat de Girona guanya el Grand Challenge de la competició europea de robòtica euRathlon 2015

L’equip integrat per la Universitat de Girona (UdG) en la part marina, Cobham d’Ostfildern (Alemanya) en la terrestre i ISEP/INESC TEC Aerial Robotics de Porto (Portugal) en la aèria, van guanyar el Grand Challenge de la competició de robòtica europea euRathlon.   L’euRathlon és la primera competició de robòtica internacional…

FP7 European Project MORPH: next generation of underwater robotics for ocean exploration tested in the Azores

From 8 to 18 September 2014, the Center of IMAR of the University of the Azores is hosting the sea trials of a new type of robotics-based distributed sensor system, aimed at affording marine scientists and commercial operators a revolutionary tool for marine habitat mapping in complex 3D environments. The…


EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240,000 new jobs expected

The European Commission and 180 companies and research organisations (under the umbrella of euRobotics) today launch the world’s largest civilian research and innovation programme in robotics. Covering manufacturing, agriculture, health, transport, civil security and households, the initiative – called SPARC – is the EU’s industrial policy effort to strengthen Europe’s…