
FPU grant awarded to the new researcher Pau Vial

This year Pau Vial begins his doctoral thesis in the Underwater Robotics LAB, in the CIRS facilities. In 2018 he was graduated in Industrial Technology Engineering in the Universitat de Girona, obtaining the Extraordinary Award of his degree for being the student with the best academic record. In 2020 he finished the…

TNA actions marine robotics executed under EUMarine Robots

During the last week researchers from VICOROB have collaborated with a team from Jacobs University within the EUMarineRobots (EUMR) project framework. The main objective of the EUMR project is to open up key national and regional marine robotics research infrastructures (RIs) to all European researchers, from both academia and industry,…


2020 has been a very difficult year, full of challenges, but yet, here we are for each other. Thank you eveyone for being there. We expect to be able to meet again soon. Wishing you the best for this 2021 to come!   We will be closed from December the…

Eduardo Ochoa is a Oceans 2020 Student Poster Competition award finalist

This year the conference was plan to be held in Singapore and the Gulf Coast. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization decided to organize a virtual conference instead. Global Oceans 2020 is the event for global maritime professionals to learn, innovate and lead in the protection and utilization…


  We will be closed for a few days, we go on vacations from the 3rd to the 28th of August. Take care! Tanquem uns dies, marxem de vacances del 3 al 28 d’agost. Ens veiem molt aviat. Cuideu-vos!    

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Deepfield project: Short-term scientific mission

From the 13th of February until the 12th of March, Eduardo Soarez, an INES TEC pre doc researcher, has carried out a shot term scientific mission at CIRS facilities within the framework of Deepfield project.   The main focus of the short-term scientific missions is to engage INESC TEC young…

TNA experiments in the VICOROB’s infrastructures

From the 2nd to the 6th of March, a team of researchers and students of the Université de Toulon have been carrying out experiments at the facilities of the CIRS.   These tests allowed them to collect real data regarding the dynamic behaviour of SPARUS AUV which will be compared with…

Season’s Greeting

Wishing you the best for 2020! We will be closed from December the 23rd to  January  the 7th  2017.   Que tingueu unes festes plenes de llum! Us recordem que del 23 desembre a 7 de gener restarem tancats.     PRESAGIS DE NADAL   Ja ve Nadal: al taronger lluent…