Despliegue Permanente de Vehículos Submarinos Autónomos Bi-Manuales para la Intervención
Project reference: PID2020-115332RB-C32
Coordinators: UdG – Universitat de Girona
Budget: 211 750 €
Duration: 01/09/2021 – 31/08/2024
Project Coordinator: Dr. Pere Ridao
COOPERAMOS is a joint project with UJI and UIB, being coordinated by UdG. It in cludes 3 subprojects:
PER2IAUV subproject focuses on the implementation of the Resident dual-arm I-AUV. To implement this concept it is necessary to design and implement a docking station to host the vehicle at the ocean bottom, providing power and communications with the shoreline. The use of dual arm vehicles is standard underwater since it offers more functionalities. Often one arm is used to hold the robot in a structure while manipulating an object with the other one. A Bi-manual I-AUV will ensure the accuracy, between both end-effectors, required to assemble objects. Moreover, a new MEMS Laser Scanner will be designed and developed. It will be able to project planar laser beams through water regarless the refraction process, achieving fast triangulation in real-time.
The laser scans will be useful for: 1) object recognition and location for manipulation, 2) SLAM and 3) building occupancy grid maps for motion planning. PER2IAUV will develop a cooperative mobile manipulation control architecture merging reactive behaviours of the I-AUV (programmed using the task priority framework) with deliberative motion planning. In both cases, the already existing single-arm I-AUV solutions will be extended to the dual arm system first, and to a cooperative I-AUV setup later on. Finally, new AI techniques for Autonomous Intervention will be researched. First, autonomous decision making (Task Planning) will be tackled using PDDL and ROSplan. Next, based on previous team experience using Reinforcement learning for AUV control, Deep Reinforcement Learning will be applied to the Underwater Manipulation Problem.