
The Centre for Underwater Robotics (CIRS) at the University of Girona focuses on advancing autonomous underwater vehicles and sensor technologies for marine exploration and monitoring. With state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in visual and acoustic data processing, CIRS drives innovation in underwater robotics, contributing to environmental sustainability, scientific discovery, and the blue economy.

2D & 3D Photogrametry and sonar mosaicing

Machine Learning for AUV Mapping and control

ASC: Autonomous Transport, deployment & Recovery, communications gateway and navigation aid.

Inspection of 3D structures: Coverage, view and Motion Planning

IAUVs for IMR:  touch, clean,NDT inspections,
Grasp, turn valves, hot stab

Long term deployment: docking stations for battery recharging, data transfer.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
using opto acustic imagery, 3D point clouds ...

Research labs

Underwater Vision

The main research in underwater vision focuses on developing image processing tools, taking into account the effects of the underwater environment, to obtain the maximum level of information from underwater images. Systems are designed for constructing georeferenced maps of the seabed. This area includes developing immersive systems for the acquisition, processing, and visualization of 360-degree video and real-time vision applications for robot navigation. Specific deep neural network architectures are developed for seafloor image classification by both sonar and optical imaging. Recently, research is being conducted on neuromorphic architectures to create bio-inspired models for image interpretation.
Underwater Robotics

The research being done includes studying control architectures for autonomous and intervention underwater robots, detecting and modeling the operating environment of underwater vehicles, designing and developing simulators for underwater vehicles, missions, and environments, fusing information from different sensors to localize vehicles and enable autonomous navigation and exploration, as well as the entire process of constructing, developing, and commissioning underwater robots.


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