Infraestructura para el Desarrollo, Experimentación y Explotación de Flotas de Robots Submarinos

Infrastructure for the Development, Experimentation and Exploitation With Fleets of Underwater Robots (NextGeneration EU)
Project reference: EQC2021-007220-P/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
Coordinators: UdG – Universitat de Girona
Budget: 986 497,03 €
Duration: 01/06/2021 – 31/12/2023
Project IP: Dr. Pere Ridao

During the last decade the UTS has offered the support required to achieve the research results, of national and European projects, which allowed to evolve research prototypes into industrial robots commercially available, currently present in 8 countries. Although the current infrastructure of the UTS offers the technical support required for the development, experimentation and exploitation of single-robot systems, an expansion is necessary to address future challenges involving multi-robot operations, to be used in conjunction with underwater facilities such as scientific observatories and/or docking stations to support long-term deployments, addressing the new challenges of the Blue-Economy. The objective of this proposal is to extend the UTS infrastructure to address these new challenges.

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