
STRONGMAR winter school takes place in Girona

Last week, from 17 to 21st of October, took place in Girona the STRONGMAR winter school on “Underwater Vision and Robotics”. In the framework of this twinning action, EC funded, that aims to enhance the scientific and technological capacity of INESC TEC and linked institutions in research, such training activities…

EXCELLABUST project meeting at Breaking the Surface 2016 in Croatia

Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies (LABUST) at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical and Engineering (UNIZG-FER) in Croatia positioned itself in the last years as the regional leader in marine robotics: LABUST has the required technologies, people, infrastructure, and experience in field experiments.   What LABUST is missing…

We participate in EMRA 2016

European Marine Robotics community gathers together every year in the EMRA workshop. This event, created three years ago as a dissemination event of the main EU marine robotics related projects, is an event in projection where the main stakeholders on marine robotics field discuss, present and contrast their opinions on…

Project STRONGMAR kick-off meeting

Horizon2020 project STRONGMAR kick-off meeting was held on 7th of March 2016 at the Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Do Porto, Portugal.   Project is coordinated by Prof. Eduardo Silva and STRONGARMAR team  and developed in collaboration with:   University of Girona ,Computer Vision and Robotics Research Institute…



During the last days of January (28-30.1.2015) Girona was the venue of the project meeting as well as the first workshop of the ROBOCADEMY – “European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics”, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, project. Starting with the project meeting on the 28th, which was first of a kind for the…

FP7 European Project MORPH: next generation of underwater robotics for ocean exploration tested in the Azores

From 8 to 18 September 2014, the Center of IMAR of the University of the Azores is hosting the sea trials of a new type of robotics-based distributed sensor system, aimed at affording marine scientists and commercial operators a revolutionary tool for marine habitat mapping in complex 3D environments. The…