
Welcome to SPARUSII AUV!

SPARUS II AUV was born in CIRS lab last October. The vehicle is the 7th member of ViCOROB underwater vehicles fleet. SPARUS II AUV is an autonomous underwater vehicle with a torpedo shape and is an evolution of the prototype SPARUS AUV, which was developed on 2010. As new features,…


ROBOCADEMY kick-off meeting in Bremen

oday it takes place the kick off meeting of ROBOACADEMY – “European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics”, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, in Bremen.   The Robocademy ITN will establish a European training and research network to develop key skills and enabling technologies in underwater robotics for the scientific and economic exploration of…



The workshop was organized by the Universitat de Girona and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and took place in Girona on October 9th -11th 2013.  The main goal of the workshop was to show the latest investigations and exchange of information and points of view on current research in MARine…


New Project: EUROFLEETS2

The main objectives of EUROFLEETS2 are: Promotion of operational coordination and integration of RVs. Modern European RVs are made accessible under EUROFLEETS2 Completion of strategic perspectives for the European research fleets with a polar component; Promotion of exchanges of mobile equipment on board European RVs to foster interoperability; Enhancing the…